FARR Workshop Agenda
AGU Conference Center
2000 Florida Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
8:00-9:00 am Breakfast/Registration
9:00-10:30 am Opening Plenary - Introduction to FARR

Christine Kirkpatrick

Chandi Witharana
University of Connecticut
Satellite Imagery and AI in Action at Pan-Arctic Scale

Vandana Janeja
​FAIR in Multi-disciplinary Spaces: Is the Data AI Ready, Shareable and Encourages Reproducibility

Philip Harris
​Building Cross-Disciplinary Scientific Deep Learning Challenges
10:30-11:00 am AM Break
11:00 am-12:15 pm Fully AI Ready Data

Christine Kirkpatrick

Jane Greenberg
Drexel University
The Surging Metadata Wave: Empowering AI with Semantic Systems

Erik Schultes
GO FAIR Foundation
FAIR for AI and AI for FAIR

Anupama (Anu) Gururaj
ImmPort@20: Getting ‘AI ready’ for AI
12:15-1:15 pm Lunch
1:15-2:00 pm AI Readiness - repository perspectives

Karen Stocks

Doug Schuster
Supporting ML/AI research through NSF NCAR's Emerging Data Commons Services

Tyler Christensen
​AI-Ready Data at NOAA: a repository perspective

Martin Seul
CUAHSI Hydroshare
HydroShare AI Readiness – a (small) repository perspective

Christine Laney
Generating AI-ready data: perspectives from a continental-scale ecological observatory
2:00-2:45 pm AI Readiness - research perspectives

Karen Stocks

Sanjib Sharma
Howard University
Advancing Earth Science Education Through Generative Artificial Intelligence

Srija Chakraborty
Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emitters at Night with Machine Learning Insights on NASA’s Black Marble

Jazlynn Hall
Cary Institute
Preparing a time series database for applications in forest ecology and wildfire resilience in the Western U.S.

Denys Godwin
Clark University
​Mapping Rooftop Solar across New England

Wenjia Li
University of Idaho
​GeoSymbolNet: Leveraging Data Augmentation to Decipher Geological Map Symbols

Jian Gong
University of Wyoming
​Curating Multi-source Time Series Image Dataset for Tundra Lakes in the Siberian Arctic
2:45-3:00 pm Poster Lightning Talks
See poster session

Daniel S. Katz
U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
3:00-4:00 pm Poster session / PM Break

Yogesh Bhattarai
Howard University
Integrating open-source geospatial data and machine learning for enhanced disaster resilience

Bridget Hass
NEON Remote Sensing Data in Google Earth Engine to Facilitate FAIR Environmental AI/ML Research

Owen Price Skelly
The University of Chicago
Garden: A FAIR Framework for Publishing and Applying AI Models for Translational Research in Science, Engineering, Education, and Industry

Ilya Zaslavsky
Architecting a data hub for modeling climate change effects on the water-food-energy-health nexus components in arid zones based on FAIR principles

Michael Cecil
University of Maryland
Assessing Smallholder Farmer Planting and Harvest Dates With Geospatial Foundation Models

Reyna Jenkyns
World Data System
Counteracting Concerns of Quality Inputs for AI Applications by Mobilizing Trusted Data Repositories to Demonstrate AI-Readiness

D. Sarkar, S. Lunawat
Global South in AI, UIUC
Unlearning Bias and Mitigating Security Risks in LLMs

Geoffrey Fox
University of Virginia
​Curating Multi-source Time Series Image Dataset for Tundra Lakes in the Siberian Arctic

Christine Laney
Expanding heterogenous ecological data use in AI/ML applications

Kirubel Biruk Shiferaw
University Medicine Greifswald
Calibrating reporting guidelines to foster reproducibility in medical AI research

Lydia Fletcher
TACC, U. of Texas at Austin
Leveraging Emerging AI Tools to Reduce the FAIR Workload

Josephine Namayanja
U. of Maryland, Baltimore County
A Preliminary Open Science Pipeline to Facilitate AI Reproducibility for Interdisciplinary Communities

Jianwu Wang
U of Maryland, Baltimore County
Reproducible and Portable Big Data Analytics in the Cloud
4:00-5:30 pm FAIR & AI Models
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Geoffrey Fox
University of Virginia

Daniel S. Katz
U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Introducing the FAIR for Machine Learning (FAIR4ML) RDA interest group

Rajat Shinde
U. of Alabama in Huntsville
​GeoCroissant- A Standardized Metadata Format for Geospatial ML-ready Datasets

Line Pouchard
Sandia National Laboratories​
The role of FAIR in data-intensive, reproducible workflows

​Satrajit Ghosh
Challenges in Performing FAIR and Reproducible Computation
Thursday, October 10, 2024
8:00-9:00 am Breakfast/Registration
9:00-10:30 am AI Reproducibility
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Yuhan (Douglas) Rao
North Carolina State University

Odd Erik Gundersen
Norwegian U. of Sci & Tech
The fundamental principles of reproducibility

Kevin Coakley
Sources of Irreproducibility in Machine Learning

Elizabeth Campolongo
The Ohio State University
FAIR and Reproducible Data, Models, and Workflows in Imageomics

Roel Janssen
Delft University of Technology
Enabling reproducible, transparent and legally compliant AI in The Netherlands
10:30-11:00 am AM Break
11:00 am-12:30 pm Working session

Yuhan (Douglas) Rao
North Carolina State University
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch
1:30-3:00 pm Future research directions/gaps
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John Towns
U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Alejandro Suarez
National Science Foundation
Broadening Access to AI Resources through the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot

Chaitan Baru
National Science Foundation
The Open Knowledge Network

Mark Musen
Stanford University
Representing Standards for FAIR Data in a Machine-Actionable Way

Christine Kirkpatrick
Title TBA

Wilbert van Panhuis
Implementing FAIR and AI Ready Data for Biomedical Research: from Principles to Practice